Conference proceedings for valonia oak (Mesologgi-Greece 2002)
- At November 23, 2007
- By admin
- In Publications
Conference proceedings for valonia oak held in Mesologgi (May 2002) entitled: Valonia oak forests, past present and future.
Not available in English
(Ελληνικά) Πρακτικά Διημερίδας για τη Βαλανιδιά
- At February 15, 2007
- By admin
- In News / Announcements
5th Panhellenic Rangeland Congress
- At October 06, 2006
- By admin
- In News / Announcements
The 5th Panhellenic Rangeland Congress (Range Science of Xerothermic Areas) will be held at Heraclion Crete, Greece, on 1-3 of November 2006
Greek – Albanian collaboration for agroforestry systems
- At May 01, 2006
- By admin
- In Activities / Events
The Laboratory of Rangeland Ecology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in collaboration with Forest Research Institute of Thessaloniki (NAGREF) and the Forest and Pasture Research Institute of Tirana, participate in the bilateral programme between Greece and Albania with project title :
Selection and evaluation of silvopastoral systems that ensure feed to grazing animals and environmental protection